Thursday, 2 October 2008

Professor Layton finally comes to Europe

It's been an agonising wait for the non-importing Europeans but finally, after over one and a half years of watching Japan get their hands on two of the Layton games, Nintendo of Europe announced that Level 5's Professor Layton and the Curious Village would be released on 7th November 2008. I personally got fed up of waiting so imported it from America just a couple of months ago so call me impatient if you have to.

The hit game from Japan has you following Professor Layton and his young apprentice Luke in solving puzzles to unravel the mystery surrounding St. Mystere. The game has 135 puzzles in it's banks and with the promise of more released every week online for download. Each puzzle solved will bring you one step closer to finding out the secrets of this mysterious town.

Having played it, I heartily recommend it!

Source: Nintendo Europe

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